
Desiccant Dehumidification Helps Produce Quality Ice and Favorable Environmental Conditions 


In order to run a successful Arena, finding ways to improve efficiency and eliminate down time is critical, especially when it comes to controlling the  environmental conditions inherent in ice arenas. As hockey seasons grow longer and extend into more humid climates, facilities are tasked with finding solutions to manage humidity control issues. Uncontrolled humidity results in fog, condensation and poor ice conditions—all of which compromise skater safety and spectator satisfaction

THE PROBLEMS As moisture condenses on the rink, the ice softens and forms puddles. Not only do skaters get wet when they fall, the refrigeration system works over-time to refreeze the ice. High humidity causes fog, which obscures the ice action and leads to safety problems. Excess moisture condensing on the glass and the structure causes dripping, damage to the ice, and deterioration of the building.

THE DESICCANT SOLUTION At the heart of the Munters IceAire system is th HoneyCombe® desiccant wheel. This dehumidifying wheel acts like a sponge, absorbing moisture from the air, enabling arenas to achieve the desired RH level.

In addition, this technology allows facilities to conserve energy. For example, to supply air at a design condition of 60°F and 40%RH, a conventional system would need to sub-cool the air to below 36°F dew point and then re-heat to satisfy space conditions. This is a very energy consumptive method of achieving the desired conditions. However, with the desiccant system, the moisture is removed in the vapor phase and would need only sensible cooling to satisfy space conditions, thus reducing the total cooling tonnage required.